Pengarang | : | Lely Novia |
Penelaah | : | Indrawaty Asfah |
Penyunting | : | Yunitari Mustikawati |
Tata Letak | : | Gerard Kalay |
Halaman | : | iv + 87; 15.5 cm x 23 cm |
ISBN | : | - |
e-ISBN | : | 978-623-8297-32-0 (PDF) |
Penerbit | : | Ananta Vidya |
Cetakan | : | 1 |
Tahun | : | 2023 |
Harga | : |
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"Communicating News: Mastering English for Journalism" is a must-have guide for aspiring journalists seeking to elevate their language skills and excel in the field of news reporting. This comprehensive book takes readers on a journey through the history and evolution of journalism, while also delving into the principles and ethics that guide journalistic practices. With a focus on language proficiency in past tense forms, word families, and expressive storytelling, readers will learn to craft compelling and accurate data commentaries. From gathering credible sources to telling stories with originality, transparency, and fairness, this book equips journalists with the tools to become critical thinkers and effective communicators. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, "Communicating News" will empower you to navigate the digital age of journalism and become a master of English in the ever-changing media landscape.
Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang. Dilarang memperbanyak maupun mengedarkan buku dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun tanpa ijin tertulis dari penerbit maupun penulis.