
Pengarang : Lely Novia
Penelaah : Muftihaturrahmah Burhamzah
Penyunting : Asriati
Tata Letak : Gerard Kalay
Halaman : vii + 301
ISBN : -
e-ISBN : 978-623-8024-83-4 (PDF)
Penerbit : Ananta Vidya
Cetakan : 1
Tahun : 2023
Harga : Rp. 173,800   Rp. 95,590

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"Cultures around the World: Exploring the 8 Elements of Culture" takes readers on an immersive and enlightening journey across continents, providing a captivating exploration of the fundamental elements that shape the diverse cultures of our world. Delving into the eight essential elements of culture – social organization, government, economy, religion, language, arts and literature, history, customs, and traditions – this book offers a comprehensive understanding of how these elements manifest in different societies.


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