Pengarang | : | Murni Mahmud |
Penelaah | : | Sahril Nur |
Penyunting | : | Lely Novia, Sahril Nur, Muftihaturrahmah Burhamzah |
Tata Letak | : | Gerard Kalay |
Halaman | : | x + 114; 15.5 cm x 23 cm |
ISBN | : | dalam proses |
e-ISBN | : | dalam proses |
Penerbit | : | Ananta Vidya |
Cetakan | : | 1 |
Tahun | : | 2024 |
Harga | : |
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“Your Research: What, Why, and How” is projected to become a good reference in the subject of Research Method in English Language and Literature. Since the subject is for the students of English Language and Literature, this book was written specifically to be able to be applied by the students majoring in English Language and Literature. However, some examples can also be applied in other major of studies. Since this book is for the subject to be used by the students, at the conclusion of each chapter, there will be some exercises to help them better understand the material.
Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang. Dilarang memperbanyak maupun mengedarkan buku dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun tanpa ijin tertulis dari penerbit maupun penulis.